The term agpaitic was originally defined by Ussing (1912) as follows: "if Na, K and Al are the relative amounts of Na- K- and Al-atoms in the rock, the agpaites may be characterized by the equation: (Na + k)/Al > 1.2, whereas in ordinary nepheline syenites this ratio does not exceed 1.1."
Ussing's equation has been known as the agpaitic index, but should more correctly be termed the peralkalinity index. The term agpaitic has been applied in a number of ways and has even been used as a synonym for. The Subcommission on the Systematics of Igneous rocks of the International Union of Geological Sciences now recommends to restrict the term to peralkaline nepheline syenites characterized by complex Zr and Ti minerals, such as eudialyte and mosandrite (rinkite), rather than simple minerals such as zircon and ilmenite.
• G.Markl; M.Marks; G.Schwinn e H.Sommer (2001): Phase Equilibrium Constraints on Intensive Crystallization Parameters of the Ilímaussaq Complex, South Greenland. Journal of Petrology. Num.12; vol. 42; pg: 2231–2258.
• S. Karup-Møller; J. Rose-Hansen (2013): New data on eudialyte decomposition minerals from kakortokites and associated pegmatites of the Ilimaussaq complex, South Greenland. In: Geological Society of Denmark. Bulletin, Vol. 61, 2013, p. 47-70.
Tugtupite (colorless, high relief), aegirine, aenigmatite (red) and K-feldspar (colorless, low relief) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. PPL image, 2x (Field of view = 7mm) |
Tugtupite (dark gray), aegirine, aenigmatite (red) and K-feldspar (I order white-gray) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. XPL image, 2x (Field of view = 7mm) |
Aegirine, aenigmatite (red) and K-feldspar (colorless, low relief) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. PPL image, 2x (Field of view = 7mm) |
Aegirine, aenigmatite (red) and K-feldspar (I order white-gray) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. XPL image, 2x (Field of view = 7mm) |
Tugtupite (colorless, high relief), aegirine, aenigmatite (red) and K-feldspar (colorless, low relief) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. PPL image, 2x (Field of view = 7mm) |
Tugtupite (dark gray), aegirine, aenigmatite (red) and K-feldspar (I order white-gray) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. XPL image, 2x (Field of view = 7mm) |
Tugtupite (colorless, high relief), aegirine, aenigmatite (red) and K-feldspar (colorless, low relief) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. PPL image, 2x (Field of view = 7mm) |
Tugtupite (dark gray), aegirine, aenigmatite (red) and K-feldspar (I order white-gray) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. XPL image, 2x (Field of view = 7mm) |
Tugtupite (colorless, high relief), aegirine, aenigmatite (red) and K-feldspar (colorless, low relief) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. PPL image, 2x (Field of view = 7mm) |
Tugtupite (dark gray), aegirine, aenigmatite (red) and K-feldspar (I order white-gray) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. XPL image, 2x (Field of view = 7mm) |
Tugtupite (colorless, high relief), aegirine, aenigmatite (red) and K-feldspar (colorless, low relief) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. PPL image, 2x (Field of view = 7mm) |
Tugtupite (dark gray), aegirine, aenigmatite (red) and K-feldspar (I order white-gray) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. XPL image, 2x (Field of view = 7mm) |
Tugtupite (colorless, high relief), aegirine, aenigmatite (red) and K-feldspar (colorless, low relief) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. PPL image, 2x (Field of view = 7mm) |
Tugtupite (dark gray), aegirine, aenigmatite (red) and K-feldspar (I order white-gray) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. XPL image, 2x (Field of view = 7mm) |
Tugtupite (colorless, high relief in the right side of the picture), aegirine, aenigmatite (red) and K-feldspar (colorless, low relief) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. PPL image, 2x (Field of view = 7mm) |
Tugtupite (dark gray), aegirine, aenigmatite (red) and K-feldspar (I order white-gray) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. XPL image, 2x (Field of view = 7mm) |
K-feldspar (I order white-gray) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm) |
K-feldspar (I order white-gray) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm) |
Aegirine, aenigmatite (red) and K-feldspar (I order white-gray) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm) |
Aegirine, aenigmatite (red) and K-feldspar (I order white-gray) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm) |
Tugtupite (dark gray) and K-feldspar (I order white-gray) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 1mm)
Tugtupite (colorless, high relief) and K-feldspar (colorless, low relief) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. PPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)
Tugtupite (dark gray) and K-feldspar (I order white-gray) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)
Tugtupite (colorless, high relief), aegirine, aenigmatite (red) and K-feldspar (colorless, low relief) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. PPL image,10x (Field of view = 2mm) |
Tugtupite (dark gray), aegirine, aenigmatite (red) and K-feldspar (I order white-gray) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)
Tugtupite (dark gray), aenigmatite (red) and K-feldspar (I order white-gray) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)
Tugtupite (colorless, high relief), aenigmatite (red) and K-feldspar (colorless, low relief) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. PPL image,10x (Field of view = 2mm) |
Tugtupite (dark gray), aenigmatite (red) and K-feldspar (I order white-gray) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)
Tugtupite (colorless, high relief). Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. PPL image,10x (Field of view = 2mm) |
Tugtupite (dark gray). Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)
Tugtupite (colorless, high relief), aenigmatite (red) and K-feldspar (colorless, low relief) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. PPL image,10x (Field of view = 2mm) |
Tugtupite (colorless, high relief), aenigmatite (red) and K-feldspar (colorless, low relief) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. PPL image,10x (Field of view = 2mm) | >
Tugtupite (dark gray), aenigmatite (red) and K-feldspar (I order white-gray) crystals. Tugtupite syenite, Ilímaussaq, Greenland. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm)