Saussurite is a mineral aggregate which is formed as a hydrothermal alteration product of plagioclase feldspar.It was named after the Swiss explorer Horace Benedict de Saussure, who discovered it on the slopes of Mont Blanc. It’s a common alteration product of plagioclase and its require addition of water, that change An-component to epidote (Zoisite or Clinozoisite), ancd the residual plagioclase is left as albite. Saussurite is formed under the same condition that characterize the greenschist or other low-P facies. Saussurite is not however recognized as a true mineral because it is a microscopic mixture of several other minerals, zoisite, epidote, sericite, albite.
Light green saussurite and dark green alered olivina. Allalin Glacier, Zermatt-Saas, Svizzera. From e-rocks
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