Orpiment - As2S3
Orpiment, As2S3, is a common monoclinic arsenic sulfide mineral. Orpiment is an orange to yellow mineral that is found worldwide, and occurs as a sublimation product in volcanic fumaroles, low temperature hydrothermal veins, hot springs and as a byproduct of the decay of another arsenic mineral, realgar. It is often found in association with realgar. It takes its name from the Latin auripigmentum (aurum = gold + pigmentum = pigment) because of its deep yellow color.Optical properties:
• Cleavage: (010) Perfect.
• Color: Lemon yellow, Brownish yellow, Orange yellow.
• Habit: Foliated - Two dimensional platy forms; Massive - Fibrous - Distinctly fibrous fine-grained forms.
Panoramic view of orpiment thin section. Image by Andy Tindle (Virtual Microscope). PPL image, field of view = 2.5cm.
Panoramic view of orpiment thin section. Image by Andy Tindle (Virtual Microscope). XPL image, field of view = 2.5cm.
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• Vernon, R. H. & Clarke, G. L. (2008): Principles of Metamorphic Petrology. Cambridge University Press.